

Instant Smile

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Product description:

Instant Smile MULTISHADE Patented Temporary Tooth Repair Kit. A Realistic Looking Fix for a Missing or Broken Tooth.

  • Improve your smile with a realistic solution 3 shades of teeth included 30 individual teeth to choose from!, No need to shape beads into a fake tooth Our patented kit includes customizable teeth for a realistic look and feel.
  • Safe for oral use and tested to costmetic standards Trusted for over 10 years, Instant Smile has helped millions smile with confidence again!, If needed, each tooth can be shaped and trimmed for the perfect fit Trimming and shaping tools included.
  • Replace a missing upper or lower tooth This is not a veneer that covers all of your teeth, it is designed to temporarily replace a single missing tooth .
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Available from: HughesTech Beauty Products
Amazon Price: $19.95
(as of 04/26/2024 - Details) Commissions Earned